You might have seen our post that went on our socials at weekend, with our huge mega exciting announcement: E&M Property Solutions Expands With Strategic Acquisition of Black Cat Properties.

So we thought we’d fill you in a little bit, with some behind the scenes information of how this all came about.

Let’s take a look at Black Cat Properties, this blogs taking on an interview style as we posed some questions for Andrea the previous owner of Black Cat.

When was Black Cat established and what made you want to start your own business?

“I first started working in the property industry back in 2003, I started a Saturday job working for a London based Estate Agents in Chiswick, West London. This quickly led to a full time position there as Senior Lettings Coordinator.

In 2008 I moved back to Burnley and set up an office for another property investment company where i took on the managerial role.

In 2011 I bought the agency from them and rebranded to Black Cat Property Agents Limited. This was the start of my empire, my baby.

At the time, there was very little knowledge of the lettings market in Burnley with it being a predominantly sales market. But with the Northern Rock crash and the cut back on available mortgages, I saw an opportunity to bring my wealth of knowledge from London and apply it to the fast changing market in East Lancashire.”

What were your highlights?

“Mainly it was the satisfaction of helping people. It’s so rewarding to help people find a place to live that suits their needs and lifestyle.

I also really enjoyed the challenge and the problem solving that this role brings. There’s satisfaction in resolving issues for both landlords and tenants, feeling like you’ve accomplished something and improved whatever situation you were facing. You feel proud of the work you’ve done.

The letting industry can be fast-paced and varied, involving everything from marketing properties and negotiating leases to managing repairs and handling legal issues. Black Cat was my business, so i took responsibility and handled everything that was thrown at me, no two days are the same, so it kept me on my toes.

I really enjoyed networking, socialising and developing long-term relationships with property owners, tenants, contractors, and other real estate professionals. This helped me feel as though I wasn’t in it alone, i had people i could turn to.

I’m perhaps most proud of the fact that i have had the majority of my landlords from day one which definitely gives job satisfaction that I am doing something right.”

What are the low points?

“The property rental industry is heavily regulated, and laws frequently change. This isn’t’t in itself a bad thing, as it keeps both Landlords and tenants safe. However keeping up with local, national, and sometimes even international regulations (such as landlord licensing, safety standards, deposit protection schemes, etc.) can be challenging even for Agents. We have to know the legislation changes before they happen and have action plans in place to ensure all of our properties and Landlords are ahead of the game. Training is a never ending part of the role, and having the time to fit everything in was a really big challenge.

The COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges for letting agencies, amplifying many of the typical struggles while introducing new difficulties. There was a drop in tenant demand as many tenants, moved back to family homes or relocated to cheaper areas due to remote working or job losses, and many people travelled back to their country of origin if they had come over specifically for work etc. This led to increased vacancies and added pressures and financial strains for both Landlords and BlackCat. This isn’t such a big issue now as the market has somewhat recovered, at the time it was very hard to navigate.

For me personally managing and being responsible 24 hours a day 7 days a week was a huge demand. Emergencies like plumbing or heating breakdowns can happen at any time, meaning I’ve  often have to be on call, even outside regular working hours. This affects your personal life a lot as you never really switch off and take time away for yourself, burnout is very real.”

What is next for you?

“My next steps after Black Cat Properties are to concentrate more on my homelife and personal life as I’ve not had any time to put myself first in a very long time. I can’t wait to spend more time doing the things i enjoy most like walking my dogs, skydiving and snowboarding.” Let the adventures begin!

How do you know Tina and what makes you think she’s a good fit to take over?

“I have known Tina for several years on a prefessional level from being in the same industry. But i got to know her on a more personal level when we both became members of a lettings support and coaching group. We both joined an extensive coaching programme where we worked together and supported and helped each other within our industry.

It felt like the right time for me to stand down but I didn’t want to abandon my Clients and needed to ensure that they would receive the best service. I know Tina’s business style and appreciate the hard work and effort she puts into every one of her Clients, Investors, Landlords and Tenants. I’m more than confident my clients are safe with her and her team at E&M Property Solutions.”

So there we have it from Andrea the former owner of BlackCat Lettings, let’s ask Tina the Owner and Managing Director of E&M Properties some follow up questions shall we!

How will you manage this takeover?

"Our priority is to ensure a seamless transition for our new clients, with minimal disruption. Clear and consistent communication will be key to this process. Following the handover from Andrea, I plan to personally reach out to all new landlords and tenants to reassure them that they are in capable hands. We will provide them with comprehensive information about the transition and give them the opportunity to address any questions or concerns they may have.

We have established systems and procedures in place to manage the integration smoothly. Our team is experienced in handling these transitions, and we are confident in our ability to maintain the high standards of service we provide to all our clients. This is what we excel at—building strong, trusting relationships through dedication and professionalism."

What does this merger mean for E&M Property Solutions?

"This acquisition marks a significant milestone in our company’s growth strategy. Expansion is always an exciting development, and I am fortunate to have a highly skilled and committed team supporting this journey. Together, we are well-prepared to take on the increased client base and deliver outstanding results.

As part of our expansion, E&M Property Solutions is also relocating to larger, newly refurbished offices on Manchester Road, near Burnley town centre. This new space will better accommodate our growing operations and allow us to offer a broader range of services, from property sales and management to specialized investor support.

Our mission is to continue setting the standard for excellence in property services. This merger aligns perfectly with our commitment to helping landlords, tenants, and investors succeed in an ever-evolving market."

So there you have it! The inside scoop on E&M Property Solutions expansion, its definitely a testament to all the hard work, vision and dedication of Tina, as Owner and Managing Director of E&M, and also of her whole team. May this new chapter bring even greater opportunities, success and growth.